Mobile Devices
Libby: e-Books, Audiobooks, and More
Libby has one of the largest collections of digital media that you can borrow using your library card. It also offers a mobile app for Android and Apple iOS devices that gives you a seamless borrowing and reading experience. The following lessons in this tutorial are device-specific, so you only need to go through the lessons that apply to you. No matter the device you have, you can enjoy Libby wherever you are.
Mobile Apps and Privacy
If you have a mobile phone, you probably have at least one application, or app. From online shopping to checking the weather, apps offer personalized experiences. Apps keep you connected, but the convenience they offer comes at a cost. While you connect to other people and the world, your app may be connecting to advertisers, businesses, and strangers in ways you can’t imagine. Knowing what apps are, the kinds of data they collect, and what happens with that data can help you protect your privacy—and the privacy of people you love.
Using a Mobile Device (Android)
Learn basic information about mobile devices with more specific information about using an Android phone.
Using a Mobile Device (iOS)
Learn basic information about mobile devices with more specific information about using an iOS phone.
Using a Mobile Device (iPhone)
Once you have an iPhone, your next step should be learning about the physical features of the device and the accessories that came with it. This includes the different buttons and ports, how to turn the device on and off, how to charge the battery, and the importance of protecting the device.